Fraud Alert


We have been alerted to a scam going around within several states, primarily Texas. These scammers are mailing out letters through our local postal service. The postal envelopes have a return address to MyTCoat – 201 Lehmann Rd Whitney TX, 76694. These mailed-out envelopes contain a check made out to the recipient’s name.

Please beware of these checks, while they look completely authentic, they are not valid. These checks have various banks printed or will say “Cashier Check”. Again, these checks are not valid but contain a valid routing number.

The scammers are checking the tracking number on these envelopes awaiting their delivery, once delivered, the recipient will receive a text message directing them to deposit the check and submit a picture of the deposit slip OR electronically transfer part of the funds to a “specialist”.

Typically if deposited at a bank with a teller, the check will not be honored, however, some ATMs will clear part of the funds for immediate use. Once the bank discovers this is not valid, they will reverse the funds resulting in potential fees and overdrafts.

We strongly urge recipients to shred or destroy the check. You may take the checks t the bank for them to destroy as well.


If you need further information, please Contact Us

Images below are provided examples for comparison.


Thank You,
MyTCoat Security Team

Postal Envelope

Check Examples

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